Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Seniors - Start Your Engines...

It may still be beautiful out....   and we may still be trying to hold on to the fleeting sunlight that still shines post 6pm, but there's no doubt about it - summer is officially over and school has begun!  Regardless of your class year, there is a sense of excitement surrounding a new school year -  new opportunities, unknown twists and turns, and an undeniable optimism that this year's going to top the rest.  That optimism should be even more present in the minds of our seniors - the students who hopefully have navigated the culture, taken advantage of the opportunities, and challenged themselves to exceed their own expectations here at Hofstra.  Well Seniors - you're not done yet!  Your final year at Hofstra should be filled with an ambition to figure out the next step, a nostalgia to take advantage of those fleeting college opportunities you can only get here, and a dash of "Last Time" traditions.  The Office of Student Leadership & Activities has a few things up our sleeve to make sure you are fully prepared for your transition out of the college world and into whatever world you step into next. 

First, make sure you are ready for life after college by attending our monthly Senior Seminars Backpack to Briefcase Series, which offer our seniors an opportunity to develop skills that will ease their transition from university life to their post-Hofstra endeavors.  This Seminars, focusing on both professional and personal competencies, are meant to be an avenue that encourage seniors to engage, reflect, and discuss various senior-related issues connected to their transition.  Topics range throughout the year from Cooking classes with Lackmann, Apartment Hunting Tips, Managing your Budgets, Credit Card Debt, Negotiating Job Offers and Benefits, and more!  Last year's seniors said the Series "... brought to light real priorities in your fleeting months as a Hofstra student.  Whether a job or grad school or still undecided, these sessions helped me realize all the things I didn't know I wasn't prepared for... then guides you in preparing for them."  -- Mike '13.  

The Senior Seminars are open to all graduating seniors - attend as many as you can.  The more you attend, the more chances you get to win a Hofstra Diploma Frame or Senior Week tickets.  The opening reception of Senior Seminars is Thursday October 3rd, 6:15pm in SC Plaza West.  Come to hear more information and get the calendar!

Some of last year's Senior Seminar participants during our Cooking Class with the Head Chef from Lackmann
Before jumping headfirst into your transition, how about enjoying your time a little more at Hofstra!  Fall Festival is quickly approaching and applications for this year's King and Queen Showcase are available at http://www.hofstra.edu/StudentAffairs/StudentActivities/stdact_traditions.html!  Court applications are due Monday September 16th at 5pm in OSLA (260 SC).  The Court that is selected will showcase their love for Hofstra at the King & Queen Showcase on Friday September 27th at 8pm in the Playhouse.  All students are encouraged to attend and cast their vote for this year's Hofstra King and Queen.  The winners will be crowned at the Vibe Live Concert, during Fall Festival, Saturday September 28th. 

The 2012 Fall Festival Court enjoying the Showcase
And finally, when all is said and done - and the year is winding down - don't forget to join in on your final collegiate experience by taking part in Hofstra's Senior Week (coming this May)!  More information will be available about this amazing farewell to our seniors at www.hofstra.edu/osla.

Although summer has ended - the new year at Hofstra has just begun!  Whether you are here for the first time, or starting to think about your final moments in college - take advantage of all Hofstra has to offer this year!  And on behalf of the Office of Student Leadership & Activities - Best of luck and enjoy the ride!

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