Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10, 9, 8, 7 Days Until the Fall Career Fair!

10, 9, 8, 7 Days Until the Fall Career Fair!

That’s right, Hofstra’s Fall Career Fair is only a week away: Wednesday, October 9 from 11am to 2pm at the David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex! As of today we have 74 fantastic employers who have part-time, full-time, and internship positions available—and they want YOU to fill them! The Career Center is here to help you get the most out of this great opportunity, including answering some of the most common questions students ask as the fair approaches:

So… what IS a Career Fair?
Remember in high school where you went to the gym or a local conference center and saw different colleges lined up at tables waiting to meet you? For some of you, that might have been how you selected Hofstra! Career Fairs are a very similar process. You’ll come to the David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex on Wednesday, October 9th between the hours of 11am and 2pm, swipe your Hofstra ID, and enter to see and network with all of our employers!

What should I expect?
You will be meeting a great deal of new people, who will all be excited to see you and all you have to offer. See advice about how career fairs operate and what employers are looking for by visiting Candid Career here.  To see what a Career Fair at Hofstra is all about, click here

How do I prepare for the fair?
We’re glad you asked! Come to our “How to Work a Job Fair” workshop on Monday, October 7that 4:00pm in The Career Center.  This workshop will teach you all the tips and tricks you need to present yourself in the best way possible! Two very important things to remember are to ensure you make a great impression by dressing professionally and bringing plenty of copies of your resume! Speaking of resumes, we encourage you to get yours reviewed by The Career Center staff during our “Quick Question” hours, Monday through Thursday from 2-4 and Friday from 11-1.

You can also follow us as we lead up to the Fair by liking The Career Center on Facebook, tweeting @HofstraCareer, and using our new hashtag #hirewithpride! Good luck, and we’ll see you at the Fair!

Amy Smith
Graduate Assistant, The Career Center

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