Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween House Decorating Contest with off-campus PRIDE!

This past Saturday the Office of Off-Campus Living & Commuting Student Services hosted its fifth annual Halloween House Decorating Contest in which student’s decorated their off-campus houses to show their spooky Halloween Hofstra Pride! The main goal of this event is to show the community that the students want to be involved in the neighborhood and to foster positive connections within their communities.

 The seven entered houses were judged based on creativity, originality, and overall curb appeal. The students did a magnificent job of letting their creative side loose by draping spider webs along the shrubbery and tying ghost streamers to their trees.  All of the houses donned pumpkins, and some even had haystacks on the stoop! 

Every house was decorated differently, allowing the unique personalities of the students who live there to shine through in this autumnal wonderland. The students excitedly held their participation plastic pumpkins filled to the brim with candy while the judges looked at the houses. Everyone was super excited to be there; the students stood outside of their houses on the windy October afternoon with chattering teeth, gigantic smiles and lots of candy!

The next community event the Office of Off-Campus Living & Commuting Student Services is hosting our annual Shake a Rake program, where students volunteer to help senior community members. The event takes place on Saturday, November 16th from 9 a.m. to noon. If you are interested in volunteering for the Shake a Rake program, email or call 5164633469 

Written by Cristina Pappadake-Gomez
Graduate Assistant, Office of Off-Campus Living & Commuting Student Services 

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