Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Have you EVER. . . .

Worked on a project in the library and before you know it, it’s 1 a.m.?

Visited a friend off campus and hung out until 2 or 3, (a.m. that is)?

Found yourself craving a slice of pizza after midnight?

Found the idea of going from Hof USA to the Netherlands similar to hiking the Appalachian Trail?


Beginning at 10:00 p.m on Thursday, October 17 through Sunday, October 20 at 5:00 a.m., the Night Shuttle will run phase two of our pilot program, to allow us to test the route, GPS service, and community interest.  Full 7-day-a week service will begin on Monday, October 21, at 10 p.m.
  So, hop on board Hofstra’s newest mode of transportation, this weekend, and tell us what you think!

The shuttle runs along a designated route through the area surrounding Hofstra during the overnight hours. Beginning at 10 p.m. and running until 5 a.m., the shuttle travels along various points from campus, to retail and residential areas of Hempstead and Uniondale.  All you need to do is show the driver your Hofstra ID.  The shuttle will provide students who work and study late, or who need to travel to off-campus residences and back, with regular and reliable transportation. 

You will be able to track the shuttle on your smartphone or online via GPS.  Go to and click on the Night Shuttle app.  This tool allows you to come out when you know the shuttle is nearby.  The shuttle, either a small white bus or a gray Hofstra passenger van, will run in approximately 30-minute loops and will have regular stops.  Pick-ups will only occur at designated stops (please see the shuttle map).  The shuttle can only stop at designated stops or at spots along the designated route that are in accordance with local traffic regulations for letting passengers off the shuttle (at the driver's discretion).

For more information, including pick-up locations and the route, check the website or  call 516-463-7878.  If you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas about the shuttle, please send them through the virtual suggestion box by clicking here.  We value your feedback!

Sandra S. Johnson
Vice President for Student Affairs

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