Friday, March 14, 2014

International Alumni Panel

International Alumni Panel presented by MISPO

 March 7, 2014

 We learned 5 things you must do to "Work in America" 

1. Get a business card! Look professional

2. Be prepared! Know your stuff to show off at the interview

3. Do Research! Find out what the company needs before the interview

4. Transform your resume into a Person your boss will like!  

5. Exercise! Practice what you will say and do if you get the job

   Thank you International Alumni Speakers!  You were Great!!!
 (Left to Right)
 Lingchao Zuo (Michael) - Zarb
 Ling Gan (Carol)  - Zarb
 Zhengda Guo (David) - Zarb
 Mingyu Chen (Kevin) - Zarb
 Jiayi Li (Effie)  - Zarb
 Avanish Sujanani (Nash) - UG
 Jing Li  -  Communication

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