Monday, October 6, 2014

Jeans Day in support of National Coming Out Day!

Each year OSLA hosts a table in the Student Center Atrium for Jeans Day. Students can stop by the table, take part in a couple of crafts and grab some free candy! This event helps us support the importance of Coming Out Day, which is October 11th. Help us support this day by wearing jeans on Wednesday, October 8th or stop by our table from 11 am – 3pm and get a jean pin.  Hofstra community members who choose to wear jeans on Jeans Day can do so for many reasons. If you have friends, coworkers, or family members who are LGBTQ, you know it is wrong for people to be harassed or discriminated against because of who they are, you want your  friends and family members to feel comfortable enough to be who they are OR LGBTQ individuals may wear jeans because they are proud to be who they are! Come help us take part in this wonderful cause and promote equal rights at Hofstra and in our larger communities. Find out more information about LGBTQ Heritage Month events coordinated by MISPO, here 
Submitted by:
Kristy Niemeyer, Graduate Assistant, OSLA

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