Thursday, October 2, 2014

Senior Seminars!- Workshops for beyond Hofstra's walls!

Hey Class of 2015!

Are you looking for some real world advice about life beyond Hofstra's walls? Are there things that you are nervous about as you think about entering the world of graduate school or the job market?

Don't forget that the Office of Student Leadership and Activities (OSLA) has a series of
workshops that are just for you!

Senior Seminars are a series of workshops that are designed to help graduating seniors ease
their transition from university life to life after Hofstra. The workshops are designed to
be no longer than an hour and feature presenters from across the University on a wide
variety of personal and professional topics.

Workshops this year include, Resume and Personal Statement writing, Learning to Cook with Lackmann, Budgeting and Common Sense, Study Skills for Graduate School & Beyond and MORE!!

Workshops are typically one- two a month from 6:15 pm-7:15 pm in the Student Center. See the full schedule here.

And the best part about Senior Seminars beyond the great information that you are getting is that for each workshop you attend you are entered into a drawing to win a prize! The more workshops you attend the more chances that you have  to win! Prizes in the past have included diploma frames from the bookstore, tickets for Senior Week, Hofstra Apparel and more!

Don't forget also to stay tuned for more events specific for just seniors including Senior Week and the Senior Class Toast on May 15, 2015!!! Contact for more information.

See some of the comments that we have from past participants!

“A must have series that teaches you the little things about post college life.  A spring board into the real world!”  - Amanda ‘ 13

Should be required attendance.  These were the frightful yet helpful tips to graduating and living a post-graduate life.” – Anonymous ‘13

These sessions truly makes you realize that school is going to end, whether you are ready or not… and life is going to begin.  Are you ready for it?”  - Damahl ‘13

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