Saturday, October 25, 2014

SGA Retreat 2014 - Making It Happen

Last Saturday Hofstra’s Student Government Association planned and attended a one day retreat to work on team building and planning for the 2014-2015 academic year.

We started the day off bright and early, boarding our two yellow school buses and departing from the student center at 8:30 a.m. with water bottles, fruit, and granola bars to energize us on our one day adventure. The staff at Project Care met us at the gate with a warm friendly welcome and we dove right in to teambuilding activities. First we broke up into three groups and challenged ourselves on low ropes courses. Each course was different but the theme was constant: using communication and teamwork to achieve a common goal. We took a short break for some delicious pizza and salad and then we jumped into the high ropes course. This course was more physically and mentally difficult than the first course, but the members of SGA welcomed the challenge! The Project CARE staff wrapped up our activities and provided us with takeaways.

The second half of the retreat brought us back to Hofstra. We regrouped with an energizing activity and then got down to business. SGA students brainstormed ideas, engaged in productive discussion, and worked as a team. Overall the retreat was a huge success and a bonding experience for all!

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