Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Celebration for International Students

On Friday November 21, the Multicultural International Student Programs Office (MISPO) hosted a Thanksgiving Celebration for International Students to experience and learn about the U.S. Holiday.

There was a presentation about the history of Thanksgiving. In September 1620, a ship called the Mayflower, left Plymouth, England carrying 102 passengers to the New World. After a 66 day voyage the ship arrived at Cape Code Massachusetts. In November 1621, the pilgrims’ first corn harvest was successful and the Governor William Bradford organized a celebratory feast. The Governor invited the Native Americans to join the celebration because the Native Americans taught the pilgrims how to cultivate the land. This was the “first Thanksgiving.” Similar to the pilgrims, Hofstra’s international students celebrated their “first Thanksgiving.” 

The presentation concluded by discussing modern thanksgiving practices; for example Macys Thanksgiving Day parade and Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping!

Chef Julio prepared a delicious Thanksgiving Meal for the international students! Food included turkey, mashed potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce, corn bread and pumpkin pie.

Many international students never ate turkey or saw a whole roasted turkey before and were so excited to eat turkey for the first time!
I asked the international students; what is your favorite Thanksgiving food?


Pumpkin Pie!

Make a wish before you break the wish bone!

The celebration concluded with an art project. Make a Mr. Turkey door sign.

Thanks to the MISPO team that helped plan this event!!!

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