Thursday, February 12, 2015

I’m With the Band:The Pep Band Experience

Hofstra Pep Band leadership retreat, August 2014
From the first day I started in the pep band, I grew attached to the numerous "crowd pleasers" and pop songs that we played. Week after week, I have played them over and over again since freshmen year, but they never became old. That is not always the case in an ensemble, but with the pep band, there’s always a great level of excitement in everything we do. This year, the band was challenged with a tremendous number of new songs and I was amazed by the level of dedication of each member to learn them. Over my four years here, I have watched this band grow enormously and I could not be more proud to be a part of it.

My first year at Hofstra, the pep band quickly became my family away from home. The bonds and
Playing at the Mack Sports Arena
friendships that develop within this ensemble every year never cease to amaze me. Here we are, all different years, majors, backgrounds and personalities, but we share the common love of our band experiences. The pep band has become the perfect place for anyone who wants to continue or start again with their instrument, so we have had quite the array of people through the years. Regardless of our differences, enthusiasm and respect have not been hard to come by with this motley crew and it makes being a captain one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.

Written by Tina Wildrick '15, Hofstra Pep Band Captain

The Pep Band is a student run band which has close to fifty members. They support Hofstra spirit at Admissions and Athletics events as well as traditional events on campus such as Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays and Welcome Week. The Pep Band travels to the CAA Basketball Tournaments each year representing the Hofstra community.

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