Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Women's "Herstory" Month Reception

MISPO celebrated Women's "Herstory" Reception on March 10, 2015

The reception featured keynote speaker April Cornell, Associate Head Field Hockey coach at Hofstra University. She shared her athletic experiences playing field hockey at University of Connecticut where she won many tournaments and awards.   

Thanks Rachel Senatore for being a great MC!

Thanks Sierra Ortega for sharing your poem about Eve's version of the bible's story of Adam & Eve.

Thanks April you are an inspiration to all of the young women at Hofstra and living proof that every young woman can achieve her goals with commitment, sacrifice and hard work! 


The theme for the Women's "Herstory" month is A Living History of Female Empowerment.             
Show your support during the month through your posts-#HuHerstory

                                      Thanks Women's Field Hockey Team for showing your support!

                          Thanks Dean of Students Sofia Pertuz and student fraternities for attending!   

Great Job MISPO team!

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