Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Gina Arfi: Head Orientation Leader

Hello Class of 2019!  
I hope you have been enjoying your first few official days of summer.  My name is Gina Arfi and I am one of the Head Orientation Leaders here at Hofstra's amazing New Student Orientation Program.  I'm writing to report that we have already had three fantastic weeks of Orientation, and our staff cannot wait to see what the next five weeks of Orientation hold!  Our staff is made up of eighteen Orientation Leaders, two Head Orientation Leaders, three Graduate Orientation Leaders, and three Welcome Week Coordinators who have all been working hard since February to bring you a fun-filled three days at Orientation.  We have designed the program to make it easy to meet a lot of new incoming students and give all our soon to be first-years lots of opportunities to experience our beautiful campus.  Our Orientation Staff is eager to help you all and answer any questions or concerns that you may have.  Our goal is to get you excited about attending Hofstra in the fall and we are excited to get to know you.  So with that, welcome to the Pride Class of 2019, and we can't wait to see you soon!

P.S. - Be sure to check us out at our New Student Orientation Facebook Page throughout the summer!

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