Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hofstra Women's Rugby Star Named Collegiate All-American

Congratulations to Kimdinh Tran, Hofstra’s newest Collegiate All-American athlete in women's rugby! A senior from East Hartford, Connecticut, pursuing a psychology major, Kim has been playing rugby for over a year and half.  Kim credits her involvement with the sport for expanding her knowledge of herself, her strengths, challenges and her ability to persevere beyond her limits. Furthermore, she's stated she learned how to be a better leader on and off the field, and a stronger athlete and person. The standard of respect that rugby players have for each other, teammate or not, is the embodiment of sportsmanship fostered by Kim’s team.

Kimdinh is also very thankful for the recognition of her accomplishments and hopes that her success doesn't stop there! This recognition has encouraged her to up her game and to continue striving to be the best. One thing that Kim would like to let the Hofstra community know about the Hofstra Women's Rugby Club is this, “We are a big family who supports each other on and off the field like any family would. We push each other to be the best that we can be and work hard to achieve this goal.” She adds,“ We put our bodies on the line for each other each and every time we step onto the field for a game. Rugby is a full contact sport with no pads and I know that I can trust my teammates to have my back on the field as I would for them.” 

Kimdinh hopes to graduate in the spring, be abroad volunteering with the Peace Corps for two years, and hopes to go to graduate school afterwards. “I hope to continue to play rugby and one day make it on the USA Women's National Team.” 

Hats off to you, Kimdinh, and good luck in all your future endeavors. Congratulations and keep spreading that Hofstra Pride!

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