Monday, April 25, 2016

Hofstra’s Panhellenic Council Aims To Ignite Change: Ending Female Poverty and Oppression

According to the organization Circle of Sisterhood, two thirds of all illiterate adults in the world are female, and not even seven percent of the world's population has a college degree.

Hofstra University's Panhellenic Council decided to take action and break the cycle of poverty and oppression of women of all ages in every corner of the globe. In order to accomplish their goal, Hofstra sorority women partnered up with Circle of Sisterhood. Circle of Sisterhood has had an impact in 17 different countries on 4 continents since their founding in 2010. Their philanthropic effort, Who Run The World, was a two-part event that garnered much success.

"As Panhellenic women, this initiative was incredibly important to us. It is vital that we recognize the girls and women in this world who are struggling and being treated unfairly. We feel that it is important to spread awareness on these issues and to help in any way that we can," said Julia Gelbart, Panhellenic Council Vice President of Chapter Development.

Viewing of excerpts from "Half The Sky":

As a precursor to their main event, on Wednesday March 2 Hofstra sorority women united to watch a documentary titled, "Half The Sky". The documentary is a four hour broadcast in the U.S. and abroad, shot in 10 countries: Cambodia, Kenya, India, Sierra Leone, Somaliland, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Liberia, and the U.S. 

The film discusses personal, intimate accounts of women in third-world countries who struggle with sex trafficking and other oppressive treatment. Following the documentary, there was a panel of reflective questions, intended to inspire change and awareness. The thought-provoking questions were discussed as a group. 

Information about the "Half The Sky" movement:

The movement started in 2009 when journalists Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn took on the fight to end oppression of women and girls worldwide that defines our current century. "Half The Sky: Turning Oppression for Women Worldwide" is already in its 25th printing in hardback and has been transformed into a powerful documentary.

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