Monday, June 26, 2017

Did You Know - Part 1

Did You Know?

As it is getting warmer you may realize you are no longer alone outside.  It’s bug season! Gnats, ants, mosquitoes and ticks are everywhere. Here’s part 1 of what you need to know to about the bug borne illnesses and how to prevent them.

Ticks are responsible for transmitting a number of different diseases. The most common tick borne illness in the eastern part of the US is Lyme disease which is spread primarily by deer ticks. Approximately 300,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported nationwide each year. Those infected may present with a red ring-like rash (but not always), flu-like symptoms (fever, malaise, headaches and muscle aches) and enlarge lymph glands in the early stages. If untreated Lyme disease can lead to cardiac, rheumatologic and neurological symptoms. 
The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to avoid tick bites all together. How do you do that?
·       Avoid wooded and high grass areas when possible by staying in the middle of cleared well-traveled trails and don’t sit directly on the ground or on stone walls
·       Wear light colored clothing to spot ticks easily and tuck in your clothes especially your pants into your socks
·       Check for ticks on your whole body daily after being outdoors
·       Bathe or shower within 2 hours after being outdoors
·       Consider using insect repellent with DEET, parcaridin, permethrin or IR3535
·       Treat dogs or cats who are outside
·       Put your clothes in the dryer for 10 minutes on high heat
Have a question about a tick bite? Call your healthcare provider or Student Health Services at 516 463-6745.

More information on preventing tick bites:

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