Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hofstra Psychology Club: 2013 Academic Club of the Year

This post is the fourth in a series profiling the Hofstra student organizations that were recognized for excellence at the 2013 Hofstra Student Leadership Awards.

          Hofstra’s Psychology Club is dedicated to exposing psychology students to the many career possibilities within the field.  The purpose of the Psychology Club is to present, share and discuss information about the field of psychology with all interested students at Hofstra.  The Psychology Club is both for psychology majors and minors, as well as those interested in learning more about different aspects of psychology.  This year the club presented many different speakers ranging from professors at Hofstra discussing their personal fields of specialization, graduate students explaining the application process and the various routes one can take after college, and external guests (such as therapists in private practice, representatives from Long Island organizations dedicated to substance use, domestic violence, suicide prevention, etc.). 
            In Spring 2013 the Psychology Club kicked off its first meeting with a guest speaker from the BioBehavioral Institute.  The representative described the work of the institute as well as some current issues and news in the field of psychology.  During the spring semester the club was proud to host its first Graduate Meets Undergraduate Luncheon.  The goal of the event was to connect graduate and undergraduate students for advice.  Our members left the meeting with a much better sense of graduate studies and the next steps they needed to take towards their career goals.  The club was also able to host a representative of the Long Island Crisis Center and learn about suicide prevention and the inspiring work of their organization.  Several Hofstra professors lead discussions during meetings regarding their perspectives and experiences working in psychology.  The last meeting of the year sent away the club’s members with advice and information from the Nassau County Psychological Association.  Several members of the association visited our campus to share their career paths and provide information about joining the NCPA.  The psychology club is looking forward to next year’s meetings and events!

For more information or to get involved click here!

 Guest Blogger: Samantha Lumetta, Former President, Class of 2013

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