Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Leadership...even in the summer!

Often students ask us "What do you do in the summer?" Well, beyond orientation and planning for Welcome Week, Discovery Program and other Fall programs we also are actively helping to support our new students on campus through leadership programs. Last week we began a three week leadership program with the seventeen new NOAH students on campus. This is the second year OSLA has collaborated with NOAH to provide leadership development in addition to their academic course load throughout the summer. The first week was really a great experience and we had a wonderful time meeting with our new NOAH students, getting to know them and helping them to begin their journey at Hofstra. We are looking forward to not only spending the next two Fridays with these wonderful students but, also seeing them flourish as leaders on campus over their time here at Hofstra! If you have questions about getting involved in any of the programs listed above please feel free to email us. We hope you are enjoying the summer and staying cool throughout this heatwave!  

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