Monday, April 20, 2015

Flavors of our Neighborhood: Korea

Did you know that in Korea it is rare to “split the bill” or for multiple people to pay for a bill? It is customary for the eldest person in the group (even a group of co-workers) to pay for dinner, even if they are not eating. Students who attended Flavors of Our Neighborhood: Korea on Thursday, April 16 learned this interesting fact along with many more.

The Multicultural and International Student Programs Office (MISPO) in conjunction with Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services (OCLCSS) hosted the latest Flavors of Our Neighborhood installment on-campus, a change from past events which took students to local ethnic restaurants. Hofstra’s Campus Dining worked closely with MISPO and OCLCSS to coordinate a menu full of authentic Korean recipes.

After a quick discussion about Korean culture and food topics, students were served pajeon, a Korean style vegetable pancake, bibimbap, which is a bowl of rice topped with Korean-style beef, a poached egg, and vegetable toppings such as carrots and mushrooms. For dessert, students had chapssal donuts, or a rice flour sticky donut filled with sweet red bean paste filling.

Students were surprised how delicious Korean food was, and some international students from Korea were reminded of the flavors of home!

This event was a part of Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month, which is celebrated at Hofstra during the month of April. Be sure to check out the rest of our events this month!

Guest Blogger: Lauren Krampen, Program Coordinator, Multicultural and International Student Programs Office

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