Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Clothesline Project

It Ends with Us (IEWU), a student run movement for the students of Hofstra University, aiming to advocate for victims, support survivors, and educate the campus culture regarding rape, sexual assault, and harassment has officially presented, The Clothesline Project!

The Clothesline Project (CLP) is a national program devoted to creatively expressing the words and feelings of survivors of the many forms of sexual violence.  T-shirts are created and publicly hung on a clothesline for the community to see as a means of raising awareness and speaking up against sexual violence.  The project typically focuses on women, but It Ends with Us wanted the program to be open to men, women, faculty, and administration, as sexual violence is a human issue. CLP leads up to Take Back the Night, a public protest of all gendered forms of violence, where the community comes together to march and shatter the silence surrounding sexual violence.

Approximately 70 shirts were created over the course of two painting sessions, then strung and tied together, and hung by poles on Hofstra's south side of campus in front of Hofstra Hall.  The project is a huge success for the community here at Hofstra, from raising awareness to the student body, to empowering survivors, to showing victims they are supported.

IEWU feels so grateful to do this work and hopes to keep on creating change as well as progressing toward an educated, respectful, and equal community.

Thank you to all who participated by making a shirt, supporting our movement, and making this project possible. 

You are loved  


It Ends with Us

Guest Blogger,
Amanda J Korbar
Junior, 2016
Community Health, B.S

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