Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Word on the Street
I’m just coming off of a great Thanksgiving and hoping everyone enjoyed their time with friends and family. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and grateful for what we have, who we are and those we have in our lives. Gratitude, or enduring thankfulness, is something we can incorporate into our lives year round. Taking time to feel and express gratitude is a tool that can be used to help increase happiness in our lives. Acknowledging the things we are grateful for reminds us to appreciate overlooked aspects of our lives. Here are a few gratitude exercises you can try to help enhance your happiness:
- Write down two or three people who have been kind to you. How do you feel when you review those memories?
- Write down three things that you feel good about and would like to see continue.
- Pick one person who has been helpful to you but who you never thanked. Write a letter of appreciation and read the letter to that person by phone or in person.
- Finally, if you feel more ambitious, start a gratitude journal and write in it daily about the things you are grateful for throughout your day.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Calorie Burning Before Thanksgiving
Hofstra Alumni, Cara Castronuova '04, who was previously featured as a celebrity trainer on "The Biggest Loser," volunteered her time to make us sweat, through
-Anita Ellis
Director, Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Welcome Back Hofstra Cheer & Dance Alumni!
It was quite a site to see, as our recent graduates came back, some of them now with a family, to perform in front of our community and even their own children. It was definitely a spirited performance and a memorable day for the Spirit Support Teams.
I’m sure Saturday’s performance will be the talk of the Thanksgiving table for many of our Cheer and Dance Alumni. As for our current team members, well, they’re just thankful for a short break with their families before they begin their home stretch of finals and National’s competition practice!
So enjoy the short break from classes, rest and eat up! We’re all in the fall semester home stretch!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Service @ Hofstra

Friday, November 18, 2011
Life Lessons from the Twilight Saga

How many of you are Twilight fans out there? Well, it might surprise you to know that there are a couple of us here at The Career Center, me included. The movie premieres tonight and I was lucky enough to have tickets to an advanced screening of Breaking Dawn Part 1 on Wednesday (the movie was amazing!). As you are watching and swooning over Edward and Jacob, don’t overlook the important lesson Bella teaches us about making choices. Yes, there is more to Twilight than vampires and wolves. There is an important message that life is about a series of decisions. Every day we are faced with decisions, big and small. We can weigh the pros and cons, ask our friends and family, postpone the moment as long as we can, but eventually we must choose.
As students, you are forced to make a lot of important decisions about your future: what classes to register for, what major to choose, and what career to pursue. As career counselors we can listen to you, provide you with resources, and give you assessments. However, the best advice we have to give comes from Bella Swan: trust yourself. We were all given the gift of intuition – an inner voice that guides us. This voice knows what is best for us; it is our truth. Yet somehow many of us have learned to ignore this voice and over think the decisions we have to make. We have let logic and reason, or even other people make decisions for us. Many of us are paralyzed by all the information available today that we let things happen to us rather than going with our gut.

So today I challenge you to take a page out of the Twilight series and make the decision to listen to your inner self. Today make a choice (a healthy choice) that just “feels right.” It could be as small as what to eat for lunch or as big as taking that art class you have always wanted to try. With every decision, you will begin to nurture and trust this relationship with yourself.
Sunday at MoMA
Last Sunday, I led 25 first-year students to the Museum of Modern Art as part of our Explore Next Door program. We broke up into two smaller groups and participated in a guided tour that highlighted some of the museum's most famous pieces. It seemed as if everyone was at the museum on such a beautiful fall day... including actor Bill Nighy (of Love Actually and Pirates of the Caribbean fame) whom I bumped into (see picture 3)!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Word on the Street
There won't be a poll next week, so we'll see you back here in two!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Congratulations to Hofstra Cheer
I WISH I was in Paris, France November 4-7. Why? Well for starters, I’ve never been to Europe and I hear the coffee and chocolate in France is divine! It certainly would have been cool to have been sipping some fancy coffee (caw-fee) while watching our AMAZING cheer team compete against many other European competitors. I am still glowing with PRIDE after I received the news from Head Cheer Coach, Christine Farina, that our team, was selected to represent our country at the European Open. Did I mention, they placed FIRST! Yeah, that’s right, that’s how we roll at Hofstra, NUMBER 1!
GET EXCITED, because both Cheer & Dance will be performing this Saturday, November 19th at the Men’s Basketball game vs. St. Francis College!
Monday, November 14, 2011
"Shake A Rake" A Huge Success!
Director of Off-Campus Living and
Commuting Student Services
Friday, November 11, 2011
RA of the Month for October
Each month the Office of Residential Programs awards outstanding staff members for their hard work and dedication to the students of Hofstra University. For the month of October, here are our winners!

Program of the Month: Timothy Clark and Rebecca Gianarkis. Tim and Becca work in Liberty/Republic Hall and are a great programming team! They played "The Newlywed Game: Lib/Rep Style" with the students. This event was great because it got a large number of people to interact from all over the complex who may not have interacted with each other. The game paired roommates, couples, or friends off and they competed against other pairs to see who knew the most about each other. During the breaks of each round, HUHC faculty member Dr. Holly Seirup provided unique facts about college students. Tim and Becca did an extra special job by decorating the lounge and really making it feel like a game show.
Congratulations to all of our winners!!
We All Have Pet Peeves, including Employers....So Steer Clear of These!

Men's Basketball Tips-Off Tonight
Hey Hofstra fans….
The 2011-12 Hofstra Men's Basketball season tips-off tonight, Friday, Nov. 11 when the Pride take on defending NEC-champion Long Island University at 7:00 p.m. at the Mack Sports Complex.
Prior to the game, Capital One Bank will host the Pride Fan Fest in the Physical Education Center right next door. Show your game ticket to enjoy interactive games, face-painting, Hofstra Cheerleading and Dance Team performances, free food, giveaways, a pep talk from me, a performance by the cheer and dance teams, and much more! The doors will open at 5:30 p.m. The first 500 fans will also get a Fan Fest t-shirt courtesy of Capital One!
Check out the Fan Fest flyer by clicking here.
Come pack the Mack for what’s sure to be an exciting night of Hofstra Basketball!
We are Hofstra!
-Coach Mo
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Dinner & Discussion

Since the Fall of 2006, I have invited students to my home to share a meal and discuss important topics of interest to Hofstra, higher education, and the world in which we live, in a relaxed and informal setting.
To date, over 900 students have participated in one or more of the Dinner & Discussion programs. Last week, the invitation went out for the two programs scheduled for the Fall 2011 term. In less than 12 hours we had to close the guest list because we had reached the limit of my living room!
I will be sure to share the outcome of our discussions as they relate to the two topics:
Social media, email, the Hofstra website/portal… there are so many ways to stay informed. How do current students receive important information, and which methods work best? Join the discussion on ways to receive and strengthen communication here at Hofstra.
Are you an active member of the Hofstra community? What is it that makes you call Hofstra your home-away-from-home? Are you looking for more ways to get involved on campus? Join us in a lively conversation about getting connected on campus.
More importantly—keep on an eye out on your email for the subject line D&D for the Spring 2012 term—you will want to hit reply fast!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The First Years Get Their Turn!

Anticipation, excitement and nervous ener

Celebration! This now annual event was hosted by the Center for University Advisement for all First Year students wanting to register for spring 2012. The doors opened at 10:00 p.m. and by 10:45 the cafe' was packed. Volunteers from the Center for University Advisement were happily providing Alternate PIN's to previously advised students and offering last minute advice on course selection for those still in need. Also on hand this year to assist students were Teri Cox, Director of Student Financial Services, Professor Terry Godlove, Senior Associate Dean for First-Year Programs, Jessica Havery, Resident Director of the Netherlands, and Christopher Muller, Director of Residential Living Learning Communities, along with a multitude of upper class volunteers.
Word on the Street
Presidential Debate Returns to Hofstra!

I'm sure you have all heard by now but Hofstra will once again be hosting a Presidential Debate on October 16, 2012. And while the countdown clock may currently make it seem lightyears away, it'll be here before we know it. What does this mean for students? Opportunities. Yes, plural.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
It’s Never too Late to Get Involved!
Perhaps you’re a new student and you made it through the hustle and bustle of Orientation, Welcome Week, and your first couple months of classes. However, in the midst of all the craziness, you had hoped to get involved in some type of club or organization, but it got away from you. Now you’re thinking: It’s too late. I missed the club fair. The clubs have already been formed. The members have already gotten to know one another and are busy with their activities, right?
Or perhaps you are an upperclass student who has been here a couple years without getting involved on campus because you were busy with classes, work, internships, etc. You would like to get some campus involvement on your resume, but you’re thinking: I probably needed to join something my first year. It’s too late for me to join a club this late in my college career, right?
Wrong on both counts. Whether you’re a new student or have been at Hofstra for a couple years, it’s never too late to get involved. Clubs are always looking for new members to bring new energy and ideas to their group.
Okay, so we’ve established that any time is a good time to join a club. But now you’re thinking: The club fair was back in September. How can I learn about ways to get involved? Well, I’m glad you asked, because there are numerous ways to learn about opportunities for involvement.
1) Collegiate Link: Hofstra currently has 186 active clubs and organizations, including academic, pre-professional, cultural, religious, sports and recreation, performance, media, social, politically/socially active, and fraternities and sororities. One of the easiest ways to explore these organizations is through Collegiate Link, an on-line program (similar to Facebook) that allows you to search for and browse through club pages. You can access Collegiate Link from the comfort of your own home through the Hofstra portal by clicking on “my apps.” From there, a wealth of information is at your fingertips, including club mission statements, events, meeting times and locations, pictures, and club leaders and their contact information. If you see a club you’d like to join, shoot an email off to the president and let him or her know you’d like to attend their next meeting. If they don’t meet for a while, ask how you might get involved with them in the meantime.
2) Meet with an Advisor: Hofstra’s clubs are advised by the following offices: Student Leadership and Activities (, Multicultural and International Student Programs ( and Recreation and Intramural Sports ( You are encouraged to stop by any one of these offices and meet with one of the many advisors who can talk to you about the variety of different ways to get involved, as well as which opportunities might best fit your interests.
3) Atrium Tables: How many times a day do you swing through the Student Center atrium? You probably notice that there are clubs there every day promoting their events and activities. Stop by. Say hello. Check out what they’re doing and ask how you might get involved. It’s a great opportunity for some in-person browsing.
4) Attend Student Club Events: Almost every club event is open to all Hofstra students. See a program that interests you? Stop by and check it out. While you’re there, introduce yourself to other club members and see if it’s a group you’d like to connect with further.
Not only are clubs a great way to connect with other Hofstra students with similar interests, but they are also a great way to gain skills and experiences that will come in handy for the old resume and interview process. And did you know students who are more involved tend to be more satisfied with their college experience and more successful as students?
It’s a no-brainer then. Ready, set, get involved!
Word on the Street
Hofstra's First Fright Night!