So, you're just about to head back to campus for the spring semester. Are you sure you have everything you need? Let's face it, winter can be pretty harsh on Long Island and sometimes spring is just as bad, so here are a few helpful reminders in case there's something you may have overlooked.

- No one wants to slosh into class or feel the snow through their sneakers, so a nice pair of boots is a great thing to have on hand when rough weather starts to hit campus.
- If you're lucky enough to have a car, bring an ice-scraper and shovel. The snow can be brutal and you definitely don't want to be out there digging out your tires or cleaning your windows with your bare hands, especially when it gets icy.
- Speaking of icy weather, you should bring along some extra winter wear (a coat, scarf, gloves, etc.) for whenever you're walking around campus. You wouldn't want to be caught in the February cold without it.
- Another important item to carry with you is a flashlight. The interior of a car, for example, gets pretty dark after a snowstorm so, again, if you have to clear your windows after a storm, a flashlight would allow you to find that ice scraper much more easily than if you had to grope around in the dark. Even if you don't have a car on campus, a flashlight is handy should the power ever go out at the residence halls, or if you need to find something in the middle of the night without waking your roommate. Plus, there are plenty of apps for your smartphone that can do the job just as well as (in some cases better than) standard flashlights.
- It would also be best to bring along an umbrella--I know this sounds obvious, but having one handy may save you a morning rush in the rain and a wait in line at the bookstore. You don't want to risk getting drenched or being late to class simply because you decided to keep the rain gear at home.
- It won't be all rough weather this spring. So, once we make it through the rain and snow, you're going to want to make sure you have some sunscreen and short-sleeved shirts so you can take a break between classes and catch some rays on the quad.
Great article,Spring is my favorite season.Thanks for sharing.