Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Word on the Street!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Welcome from Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services
-Anita Ellis
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hofstra करने के लिए आपका स्वागत है! Welkom op de Hofstra! 欢迎光临Hofstra!

Not even Hurricane Irene could keep away the close to 200 international students who “blew” in today for the Office of Multicultural and International Student Programs’ new international student orientation. Whether your native language is Hindi or Dutch or Chinese (see above), or one of the other many languages spoken by our new international students who represent approximately 40 different countries, we’re so glad you’re here! We also look forward to the arrival of those international students who were delayed by the weather this weekend; we wish you all safe travels!
As you can see from the picture, our students are already beginning to make connections and form friendships. Stay tuned for more international orientation updates as the week progresses. Conversa a você mais tarde!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Stay Up To Date This Weekend!

Renovation Update: PICTURES
Campus Counselors Gear Up for the New Academic Year
We are looking forward to meeting incoming students and saying welcome back to our returning Hofstra students. If you have a chance, stop by and say hi to our Student Counseling staff in the Netherlands residence hall where we will be during Welcome Weekend and throughout the first week of classes. In the meantime, check out our Homepage for lots of great information!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Word on the Street
Monday, August 22, 2011
SSD Webpage
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Most of the orientation leaders have a brief break before gearing up for Welcome Week (September 1-5) while the Welcome Week Coordinators are currently in overdrive putting the finishing touches on the program.
While the summer was long, hot and busy, we did find some time to unwind and relax. (Here’s proof!)
Mustache Day!

Clown Nose Day!

Unexpected Dancing in The Rain Day
Sunday, August 21, 2011

On the home front, the Pep Band is gearing up for an intense one-day Orientation program that will consist of blood, sweat and tears! Well, just kidding on the blood, but they will be participating in an intense team-building experience on campus followed by their first rehearsal featuring all new music for Fall Festival (September 23-25)! Keep your eyes and ears open because you’re in for a real treat come September 24th! Go PRIDE!
Friday, August 19, 2011
The Center for University Advisement at Hofstra would like to welcome all the new students to campus, and welcome back all of our continuing students! We’re looking forward to being here for you every step along your journey toward graduation.
We have been busy all summer (along with the rest of Student Affairs) preparing new first year and transfer students for the year ahead, and now the new year is upon us - we hope you are as excited as we are!
Did you know that every student at Hofstra has their own, personal advisement dean? In addition to your major adviser (once you have declared your major), you have been assigned to one of us to help you with planning and decision making, troubleshooting problems, finding answers, and learning how to navigate. Plan on meeting with us along the way to make sure you stay on course and avoid costly mistakes. Make sure you meet with your adviser at least once each semester before registration – but we would love to see you more often! Find your advisement dean by calling one of the numbers below, or look on your Hofstra portal under Student Records -> View Student Information.
Center for University Advisement locations:
101 Memorial Hall (the door that faces Hempstead Turnpike)
107 Mack Student Center (behind the bookstore)
108 Netherlands – Quick Question hours for freshmen – hours posted outside
On the web at: (check for important dates and deadlines here)
#1 College Relay for Life on Long Island!

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Stepping back before moving forward

It’s always hard to step away from our day-to-day tasks when there is so much to be done to prepare for the arrival of a new class and the return of our continuing students, but it SO important. Yes, we did a lot of work-- but you can’t get that many SA people in a room without also hearing a lot of laughter. (For all the time we spend together, we’re lucky we like each other so much!)
So come on, students—come on back! We’re refreshed and ready for another year, and we hope you are, too.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
August already?!?!???? Full speed ahead...
We had a number of updates and renovations take place within the residence halls. Bill of Rights and Enterprise Halls received new windows and blinds, new paint, carpeting and HVAC units and all common spaces and bedrooms received new furniture. New entrance ways and lobby areas were constructed in both buildings as well. All bedrooms throughout Suffolk Hall received new bedroom furniture. Finally, most buildings in Colonial Square were painted. As you can see our Residential Operations crew has been hard at work in anticipation of your arrival in September!
We will continue to prepare and plan for your arrival this fall and are looking forward to another exciting year filled with fun, excitement and new opportunities!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Hofstra Orientation: Not Just for Students!
Similar to the spectrum of emotions you’re experiencing during these last few weeks of summer, parents and your guardians also need a little help transitioning to having their children grow up and enter college. That’s when the Office of Parent and Family Programs comes to your rescue and helps your parents realize that there’s no need to worry, everything will be okay, and to R-E-L-A-X.
During Parent Orientation, we tell them about the intellectually stimulating courses you will succeed in, the clubs and sport teams you’ll join (they were very excited to hear about Hofstra Quidditch: I got 99 problems, but a snitch ain’t one! HOLLAH, HARRY!), the support our Student Affairs team and faculty provide, safety on campus, and that college is not the 13th grade! I answered mystifying questions from decorating tips, rug sizes, where the nearest Pier 1 is to shuttle services, internship opportunities, what type of laptop to buy you, and whether the food on campus is good to which I say, “It’s good, but nothing beats Mom’s chicken cutlets.” Moms always smile after that.
Essentially, Parent Orientation lets your folks know that Hofstra is a strong collegiate community and that there’s no better place for you to be at this time in your life. The reason for Parent Orientation is that we know how much they love you, wanting nothing but the best future for you and we want to let them know that the pride that they feel in their hearts now, knowing you’re going to a great school, will continue to grow multitudes throughout your academic career.
My piece of summer advice to our incoming students is simple: Always be gracious and remind yourself to thank your families frequently. They helped you get to this monumental time in your life called college. They will also help you get through it and become the young women and men you’re destined to be. Always be proud of where you have come from and where you are going.
Hofstra Parents, Hofstra Pride,
P.S. Need help talking to your parents or want to know about ways they can get involved at Hofstra? Give me a call at 516-463-4698.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
SSD Testing Lab Improvements!
As the end of summer slowly approaches, the SSD testing lab wants you to see what we have been working on as a result of your survey suggestions. Say goodbye those old, uncomfortable chairs at the testing tables and welcome the new, cushioned blue additions! Also, if you have ever spent long hours in the lab taking an exam, I'm sure you will enjoy the new water cooler! You spoke, we listened! Come September, come and enjoy the improved SSD testing lab!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
“What do you do all summer?”

A question I commonly receive from students, or acquaintances who don’t work in my field, is about what we college administrators do all summer long when the majority of students are gone: “It must be quiet, right? Do you get the summer off?” True, the student foot traffic is a lot lighter than during the school year, and there are much fewer events to attend. But, believe it or not, we in the Division of Student Affairs stay extremely busy all summer long.
First, there is New Student and Parent Orientation, both of which take place for eight weeks throughout the summer. There are student staff (e.g., Orientation Leaders, Resident Assistants) to train, and sometimes new professional staff to hire. Typically, we’ll use the summer to conduct staff retreats to connect our teams together and develop our goals for the upcoming school year. There are websites and publications to update; housing applications to process and residence halls to refurbish; reports to write and budgets to finalize; and many, many events to plan! Some big events on the horizon include Welcome Week and the Hofstra Fall Festival. We also work with Admissions in securing our new class of students. For example, we assist with the Admissions Enrollment Days, and the Divisional staff calls every single student within the incoming class to welcome them to Hofstra.
Despite our hectic schedules, we still manage to fit in some fun. Just about everyone takes a week or two of vacation during the summer (I went to Cancun, Atlanta, and Fire Island! See my picture taken in Chichen Itza, Cancun, Mexico). Often, we’ll have Divisional socials to connect as a staff and celebrate our accomplishments of the past year. We also engage in a friendly softball rivalry with some of the other departments on campus (next week we’ll be taking on Enrollment Services).
We do enjoy the fact that it’s much easier to find a parking spot during the summer. But ultimately, (around this time of year, especially) we miss our students and long for your return. A little bit of quiet is nice for a while, but we enjoy the vibrancy that you all bring to campus. I look forward to seeing you all very soon!