Similar to the spectrum of emotions you’re experiencing during these last few weeks of summer, parents and your guardians also need a little help transitioning to having their children grow up and enter college. That’s when the Office of Parent and Family Programs comes to your rescue and helps your parents realize that there’s no need to worry, everything will be okay, and to R-E-L-A-X.
During Parent Orientation, we tell them about the intellectually stimulating courses you will succeed in, the clubs and sport teams you’ll join (they were very excited to hear about Hofstra Quidditch: I got 99 problems, but a snitch ain’t one! HOLLAH, HARRY!), the support our Student Affairs team and faculty provide, safety on campus, and that college is not the 13th grade! I answered mystifying questions from decorating tips, rug sizes, where the nearest Pier 1 is to shuttle services, internship opportunities, what type of laptop to buy you, and whether the food on campus is good to which I say, “It’s good, but nothing beats Mom’s chicken cutlets.” Moms always smile after that.
Essentially, Parent Orientation lets your folks know that Hofstra is a strong collegiate community and that there’s no better place for you to be at this time in your life. The reason for Parent Orientation is that we know how much they love you, wanting nothing but the best future for you and we want to let them know that the pride that they feel in their hearts now, knowing you’re going to a great school, will continue to grow multitudes throughout your academic career.
My piece of summer advice to our incoming students is simple: Always be gracious and remind yourself to thank your families frequently. They helped you get to this monumental time in your life called college. They will also help you get through it and become the young women and men you’re destined to be. Always be proud of where you have come from and where you are going.
Hofstra Parents, Hofstra Pride,
P.S. Need help talking to your parents or want to know about ways they can get involved at Hofstra? Give me a call at 516-463-4698.
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