Welcome back! I hope everyone had a great break, and if you weren't taking classes I hope you were able to relax. Hopefully you are getting back into the swing of things as the spring semester gets started. The Office of Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Se

rvices has a lot of great events planned for this semester and I hope to see many of you that commute or live off-campus at them! Tomorrow we will be hosting a "Commuter Meet and Greet" in room 221 in the Mack Student Center. This is a chance for you to come meet and get to know other commuting students.
As a reminder, the Office of Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services is involved with a program called "Snow Angels." This program provides students from Hofstra an opportunity to help senior citizens that live in the area by shoveling snow. If you are interested in helping out please stop by the office.
-Anita Ellis, Director Off-Campus Living and Commuting Student Services
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