Today the Division of Student Affairs staff had the opportunity to volunteer at the Mary Brennan INN. Fourteen staff members from across campus came together to volunteer and spend some time getting to know our colleagues better. We arrived at the INN at 9am and they put us right to w

After lunch we cleaned and continued sorting clothing and toiletry donations. One team spent the last 45 minutes packing almost 300 shower kits for the consumers! Everyone who participated had a great time and wanted to come back for more.

We hope you have the opportunity throughout your time at Hofstra to give back to the community and if it is at the Mary Brennan INN we know your experience will be great. Throughout this holiday weekend please take the time to reflect on Martin Luther King Jr. and the community service spirit that he embodied. Enjoy the rest of the winter break and see you on the 26th for the first day of classes!
"Every man must decide if he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness." MLK Jr.
The Mary Brennan INN is always looking for volunteers and donations. Please contact the Office of Student Leadership and Activities for more information on student community service opportunities (516-463-6914 or hofstra.edu/osla). To contact the Mary Brennan INN directly call (516-486-8506).
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