On Wednesday, February 6, 2013, the Office of Student Leadership and
Activities hosted their 2nd annual Soph(BE)MORE event in the Multipurpose Room
of the Student Center. Created as a way to reintroduce sophomores to leadership opportunities on campus, Soph(BE)MORE showcased all of the ways second-year
students could get involved at Hofstra. Fourteen groups came together to mark
the occasion, including Academic Advisement, Greek Life, Pride Guides, Student
Employment and the Student Government Association among others. Students who
attended were able to gather information on upcoming events, learn about
employment/volunteer opportunities on campus, become reacquainted with clubs
they may not have had time to join in the Freshman Year, and even enjoy some
free food and grab a new t-shirt. The orientation staff had a table, recruiting new students to be the face of Hofstra to prospective new students, and the Office of Student Leadership & Activities promoted the leadership offerings sponsored by their office including the PRIDE a-la-carte leadership certificate program and the Spring Leadership Summit, an off-campus retreat open to the entire student body. There are so many ways to get involved at Hofstra - regardless of what year you begin, don't miss out on the rich co-curricular experience!

If you are a sophomore and were unable to stop by today, or if you would
just like to learn more about getting involved on campus, visit the
OSLA website at or call (516) 463-6914.
-- Post by Robyn Kaplan & Nolan Meditz
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