Monday, March 26, 2012

Working in Student Affairs…what is the point?

Key Note Speaker Mr. Van Jones doing his kick off speech
Key note speaker Mr. Van Jones did the kick off speech at the 2012 American College Personnel Association (ACPA) in Louisville, Kentucky and hit the point right on the money. Student affairs professional must “…make sure every student has a ladder to climb.” What he means by that is not a literal ladder to climb, but a metaphorical ladder of opportunity to grow and climb out of doubts that they may be holding onto from their past. A lot of times working in student affairs is not recognized or even noticed by students after helping them and for that reason, Mr. Van Jones had two words to say to all the seasoned and young student affairs personnel.

“Thank you” 
ACPA conference Location
2012’s ACPA conference theme is “Create Possibilities” by helping professionals learn how to lead in a positive, productive way. Living in a world that is full of diversity, professionals will be attending or leading sessions about embracing the culture, learning what the trends are showing about the future and how to teach students with these latest trends. 

Being a student affair professional is about making sure that the students come onto our university and experience diversity in a positive manner. Mr. Van Jones closed during his speech by saying these wise words, “don’t attack the diversity, it is the key to our solution.” This being said, I want to say thank you for all of those who made an impact on my student affairs experience and made the change in me.

“Thank you”

1 comment:

  1. Diversity in high education has to be one of the best things besides the curriculum itself.
